How to Get Rid of Itchy Scalp
Long, shinny and beautiful hair is the real beauty and crown of a woman. It not only enhances the feminine beauty but also add significant looks to a woman’s over all personality. Due to this, every woman uses many hair care products and tips to beautify her hairs.
Hair is the real beauty of a woman. It enhances the personality and over all looks of a woman. A beautiful, sleek, shinny and long strengthen hair doubled the beauty of the woman. That is why, every woman wants her hair healthy long and beautiful. And for this, almost every woman uses many hair care products and tips to beautify her hair.
But due to the hot and moist weather/climatic condition of Pakistan, Pakistani women specially face difficulties regarding the strengthening and beautification of their hairs. They usually face the problems of dry damage hair, hair dandruff, hair loss and itchy irritating scalp.
To overcome this very important and considerable problem, let’s have a look at some very easy hair care tips to cure itchy and irritating scalp.
Tips to cure itchy and irritating scalp:
- Hair Cleanliness:
The first step to get rid of your itchy scalp is your hair cleanliness. Make sure that your hair is clean. A build-up of oils or dirt can clog pores and make your scalp feel itchy. Sometimes, a good shampoo is the best cure for an itchy scalp.
- Consider changing your hair care routine:
If your hair is clean, your itchy scalp might be due to an allergic reaction to a shampoo, conditioner or other hair product. A new product might have irritated your skin or your skin could have developed a reaction to an old product. Consider changing your hair care routine in order to cure a dry, itchy scalp.
- Use natural PH balanced shampoo:
To get rid of a painful itchy scalp you need a natural PH balanced shampoo that takes care of your hair, as well as your scalp. These shampoos are more costly than the big brands, but much healthier for you and soothing for the painful itchy scalp.
- Use Healing Agents:
Use healing agents that are both effective and natural, try combining natural oils like Neem Oil into the PH balanced shampoo. Neem Oil is derived from a type of tree bark, and is an effective fungicide and insecticide. Neem extracts are as effective as Coal Tar and Cortisone in treating psoriasis with none of the usual side effects of those stronger chemicals. Studies prove that Neem will reduce inflammation caused by acne and other bacterial infections making it an effective ingredient in an itchy scalp cure remedy.
- Use natural liquid based soaps:
Switch to a natural soap-based liquid or bar cleanser, or try making your own cleansers yourself. Natural soaps are much kinder to the skin and scalp because they are made from vegetable oils instead of petroleum derivatives.
- Notice the dandruff:
Notice whether you have white flakes in your hair. Dandruff can be a cause of scalp itchiness, and you can easily treat it with over-the-counter shampoos.
- Do hair massage:
Gently massage conditioner into your scalp after every shampoo to hydrate it and lift away some of the flakes.
- Lices in your hairs:
Determine whether you have lice. If your itchy scalp lasts for several days, or if your condition worsens, check your hair for the white or grayish eggs that can indicate lice. These eggs look like dandruff, but they are attached to individual hairsand do not move when you touch them. Treat lice immediately. Over-the-counter treatments are very effective. Do not use lice medication unless you're sure you really have lice. This medication is very strong and can be harmful.
- Use Vinegar:
The vinegar will help remove residue that's left on your scalp from shampoo, conditioners and hair products. It will also cleanse your scalp and help heal any scratches you've made with your fingernails. This homemade treatment will also restore the natural pH balance to your hair and scalp. Vinegar may loosen waves and curls if you have a perm, though, so be careful.
- Try the following remedy:
Try the following remedy to heal and sooth your painful itchy scalp:
Apply a mixture of 1 teaspoon of Neem oil, 1 teaspoon Tea Tree or Manuka, one teaspoon of Rosemary oil and one teaspoon of Lavender oil together in 3 tablespoons of carrier oils such as Olive oil. Try and use carrier oil that matches your natural sebum closely. Wheatgerm and Macadamia oils are great for this. Apply the mixture to your scalp daily.
Some other important tips:
- Try putting a thick coat of mayonnaise or some olive oil on your scalp to cure dry itchiness. Some people find this a very effective cure.
- Some antihistamines might work to cure a dry, itchy scalp when nothing else does.
- Remember to apply sunscreen to the part in your hair if you plan to be outdoors for a long time.
- If the skin on your body is dry and scaly, then your scalp can be the same way too. To help hydrate your skin and relieve the itchy dryness, make sure you drink six to eight glasses of water each day.
Expert Strategy: If these tips don't alleviate the problem in four weeks, see a dermatologist. She'll check your scalp for a fungal infection, such as dandruff or ringworm (ring like marks on your skin), and will most likely prescribe a topical steroid cream or shampoo, which will calm irritation and itch within a few days.
Source: Fashion Central
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